龙怀钢 博士



龙怀钢 博士,副研究员。主要研究领域中国资本市场和国际金融市场的资产定价、风险管理、极值统计、量化投资、数字货币等方面研究,对量化投资方面的经典多因子模型、机器学习在投资策略中的实践应用等方面有较深入研究。












4.我国机构投资者是噪声交易者吗?事实证据和微观机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 71873122,2019.1.1-2022.12.31,参与人(5/6)


16.Long, Huaigang., Zaremba, A.& Zhou, W.et al. Macroeconomics matter: Leading economic indicators and the cross-section of global stock returns[J].Journal of Financial Markets,2022: 100736. (国家级1A)

15. Zaremba, A., Cakici, N. Demir, E,Huaigang Long*.When bad news is good news: Geopolitical risk and the cross-section of emerging market stock returns[J].Journal of Financial Stability,2022, 58: 100964(国家级1A)

14. Zaremba, A., Bilgin, M. H.Huaigang Long*.et al.Up or down? Short-term reversal, momentum, and liquidity effects in cryptocurrency markets[J].International Review of Financial Analysis, 2021, 78: 101908 (国家级1A)

13.Yuexiang Jiang, Yimin Dai,Huaigang Long, Yanjian Zhu*, 2021.“U.S.Trade Policy Uncertainty and Expected Stock Returns of Chinese Listed Companies”,The Singapore Economic Review.(Accepted,forthcoming)


12. L. Qian,Y. Jiang,H. Long*,R. Song,2020,The roles of economic policy uncertainty and the COVID-19 pandemic in the correlation between cryptocurrency and stock markets,The Singapore Economic Review,(Accepted), Forthcoming. (SSCI)

11.蒋岳祥,龙怀钢*,尾部风险,预期收益率与资产配置——基于中国股票市场的实证研究.管理与决策[M],2020 .

10.Long, H,A. Zaremba*, E. Demir, J. Szczygielski. and M. Vasenin. 2020.“Seasonality in the Cross-Section of Cryptocurrency Returns”.Finance Research Letters. 35, 101566(SSCI,浙大经院C类,JCR Q1分区)

9. Zaremba, A., A. Szyszka,H. Long*. and D. Zawadka. 2020.“Business

Sentiment and the Cross-Section of Global Equity Returns”.Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 61, 101329.(SSCI,浙大经院B类,JCR Q1分区)

8.Long, H., A. Zaremba*. and Y. Jiang. 2020.“Price Nonsynchronicity, Idiosyncratic Risk, and Expected Stock Returns in China.”EconomicResearch-Ekonomska Istraživanja33(1): 160-181.(SSCI,JCR Q2分区)

7. Zaremba, A.,H. Long*. and A. Karathanasopoulos. 2019.“Short-Term

Momentum (Almost) Everywhere”.Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 63,101140.(SSCI,JCR Q1分区)

6.Long, H., Y. Zhu, L. Chen*. and Y. Jiang. 2019.“Tail Risk and Expected Stock Returns Around the World”.Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.56: 162-178.(SSCI,浙大经院B类,JCR Q1分区)

5.Long, H., A. Zaremba*. and Y. Jiang. 2019.“Beware of the Crash Risk: Tail Beta

and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns in China”.Applied Economics51(44): 4870- 4881.(SSCI,浙大经院C类,JCR Q3分区)

4. Zheng, L., Y. Jiang. andH. Long*. 2019.“Exchange Rates Change, Asset-Denominated Currency Difference and Stock Price Fluctuation”.Applied Economics51(60): 6517-6534.(SSCI,浙大经院C类,JCR Q3分区)

3.Long, H.,Y. Jiang. and Y. Zhu*. 2018.“Idiosyncratic Tail Risk and Expected Stock Returns: Evidence From the Chinese Stock Markets”.Finance Research Letters24: 129-136.(SSCI,浙大经院C类,JCR Q1分区)

2. Jiang, Y., H. Sun*, Y. Zhang. andH. Long.2017.“Non-Parametric Tests for the Tail Equivalence Via Empirical Likelihood”.Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods46(21): 10640-10656. (SCI, JCR Q4分区)

1.蒋岳祥,宫蕾和龙怀钢.中国股指期货存在交割日效应吗?——基于指数和个股视角的研究[J].浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2016,(04):184-200 (浙大经院一级期刊)


[1]郑路远、蒋岳祥、龙怀钢*,“Exchange Rates Change, Asset-Denominated Currency Difference and Stock Price Fluctuation”.浙江省经济学会2019年度优秀成果奖三等奖,2019.12.1





[3]担任International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Future Markets, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade等多本SSCI期刊匿名审稿人

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